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DAM BOX is our new extensible flood barrier.

Easy to install, lightweight and economic. 

In case of floods it prevents water from entering into shops, private homes and garages.


Its a small flood barrier which adapts perfectly to doors and openings of different widths. It is in fact possible to adjust the length of the barrier using a special pivot key, in a simple and functional way. Dam Box represents an effective and economic solution that does not require expensive permanent building works.

Made of aluminium panels and neoprene is extremely easy to handle.

Mobile flood barrier 

paratie antiallagamento
paratie antiallagamento
Paratie antiallagamento
Paratie antiallagamento

Flood defence wall


WATERWALL is a containment system for river flooding and waterways.

A modular structure that makes an effective anti-flood barrier ideal for securing large public soils, rivers banks and coastal areas.

Barriere antiallagamento

Dam box  a new extensible flood barrier

- Mobile flood barrier for shops 

- Flood barrier for garages

- Flood barrier for house doors

Waterwall a modular flood defence wall

- Modular flood barrier 

- Flood control barrier

- Flood protection equipment

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